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Acts 26:24-25


Intro: This passage finds the great Apostle Paul on trial before King Agrippa and the Roman governor Festus. Paul is given the opportunity to give a defense for his actions. Paul uses this setting as an opportunity to share his salvation testimony. When these pagan rulers hear what Paul says has happened to him and what this Lord he claims to serve has called him to do, Festus speaks up and calls Paul a "mad man". He tells Paul that all of his education and learning has driven him over the edge!

The word "mad" comes from the word that gives us our word "mania". Mania is defined as 1.) Obsession - an excessive and intense interest in or enthusiasm for something. 2.) A psychiatric disorder characterized by excessive physical activity, rapidly changing ideas and impulsive behavior.

When these pagans hear what Paul was, what happened to him and what he is doing now, they concluded that he has gone absolutely, stark raving mad! They think he is crazy! When Paul hears this charge he responds by saying, "I'm not crazy, I'm just saved!"

When the world looks in on this thing we call Christianity, when they look at this life we live for Jesus, they conclude that we are crazy! I would say to them, "I'm not crazy, I'm just saved!" I want to point out three areas of Paul's testimony that Festus and the others thought was crazy. By the way, the world thinks your testimony is crazy in these areas as well! I just want you to see that what the world thinks os crazy is nothing more than mere Christianity! I want to preach in the thought: "I'm Not Crazy, I'm Just Saved!"


A. What were the claims that Paul made?

1. He Claimed To Have Seen A Light - v. 13

2. He Claimed To Have Met The Lord - v. 14-18 (Note: The One he claimed to have met was the same One everyone knew had died. For some reason, Paul believed that He was now alive again.)

3. He Claimed To Have Abandoned His Old Life - v. 19-22

B. Paul's claims may have sounded bizarre to these pagan rulers, but to anyone who knows the Lord Jesus Christ, they make perfect sense! Here's why:

1. Every Saved Person Has Seen The Light - 2 Cor. 4:6; 1 Pet. 2:9.

2. Every Saved Person Has Met This Risen Lord - Rom. 10:9; Eph. 2:8. (Note: We are said to be "in Him" - 1 Cor. 12:13; We have been reconciled to God by Him, Eph. 2:13-22. He has taken us in one hand and God in the other and brought us together in Himself!)

3. Every Saved Person Has Abandoned The Old Life - 2 Cor. 5:17; Eph. 2:10!

C. When the world hears the testimony of the redeemed saint, surely they think we are crazy! After all, we talk about things that cannot be seen or handled. But, to those who have been lost in the depths of sin and have made the trip to Calvary by faith and have met the risen Savior, it all makes perfect sense. We're not crazy, we're just saved!


A. Think about all the things Paul was before he was saved:

1. He Was A Religious Man - v. 5; Phil. 3:4-11

2. He Was A Zealous Man - v. 9-11; Acts 7:58; Acts 8:1-3; 1 Tim. 1:12-13.

3. He Was A Man Of Considerable Wealth, Position, Power And Influence - v. 12.

Yet, when Paul met the risen Lord, he simply walked away from the old life and began to serve the Lord. It seemed absolutely crazy to those who saw and heard about the changes in Paul's life.

B. But wait! This is what happens to every lost sinner when they meet the risen Lord! Everything changes - Ill. 2 Cor. 5:17, this verse points out the radical nature of the changes that take place. (Note: One creature has differing habits, interests, likes, tastes, etc, from another creature.) (Ill. Some possible scenarios.)

C. When you encounter that old crowd and they think you have lost your mind, remember, you're not crazy, you're just saved!


A. He claims to have seen a light that was brighter than the sun. He claims to have talked to a dead man, Who is now alive again. He says that this once dead man has called him to leave behind a life of affluence, influence, power, position, prestige, prominence and prosperity to go all over the world and tell everybody he meets that they too should follow this once dead, now living Lord. That must have sounded absolutely ridiculous to everyone in that room.

But, as crazy as it may have sounded, crazier still is the fact that he was doing it! The change in Paul's life was so real and the calling he had received was so compelling that He could not help but tell others about Jesus and what He had done in his life. He could not help but tell them what Jesus could do for them too!

B. Did you know that the same call that rested on Paul's shoulders has been placed on ours as well? The Bible is clear, Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 1:8, we are to tell the world what Jesus has done for us and what He can do for them if they will only believe!

C. When you feel compelled to tell someone about a crucified, risen, returning, reigning Lord named Jesus it does not mean you're crazy; it just proves that you're saved!

Conc: In that kangaroo court that day all the roles were reversed! The only sane man in the room was in chains while the nuts were running the show! The craziest people in the world today are not in places like mental institutions and the like. The craziest people in the world are those who are lost in sin and will not come to the Lord Jesus Christ!

May we who are saved never be ashamed of who we are or what the Lord has done for us! May we never feel like people will think we are crazy! We are not crazy! If you have had enough sense to trust Jesus as your Savior, you are headed to Heaven, you are saved by grace, your sins have been all washed away. You are not crazy, you are just saved! That crowd that does not know Jesus, they are the crazy bunch! They're the ones running here and there looking for love, help and satisfaction in all the wrong places. We are the ones who have found the answer to all life's questions and the solution to all life's problems.

Therefore, don't be intimidated by a bunch of people who have been driven insane by sin. They are the ones with the problems. They are the crazy ones! As for you and me: We're not crazy, we're just saved!

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